2015-10-20 (Tuesday October 20, 2015)
El Corazon
Seattle, Washington, USA
"Black to the Future" Tour
Recorded by War Throat
CA-14 cards>CA-UGLY>R-05
Masked Ball (intro music)
From the Pinnacle to the Pit
Con Clavi Con Dio
Per Aspera ad Inferi
Body and Blood
Devil Church
Year Zero
He Is
Mummy Dust
Ghuleh/Zombie Queen
If You Have Ghosts
Monstrance Clock
Show notes:
-Due to a problem with their tour bus, Ghost's crew and gear did not make it to the venue until after the doors opened. As
a result, Purson had to play in the lounge while the audience in the main room watched the crew scramble to set up.
-The acoustic version of "Jigolo Har Megiddo" was cut from the set this night presumably because of the late start.
-Many, many thanks to Ghost and their crew for putting a great show, despite the small stage and heat generated from the sold out (oversold?)
crowd. Fuck you to the handful of assholes who selfishly insisted on body slamming into each other and hurting people in their vicinity during
the latter part of the set ("He Is" is a moshable song, really?) and to El Corazon's useless security staff that allowed it to happen. It shouldn't
be up to the band to try to control the crowd.
Editing and taping notes:
-Recorded in 24 bit/48kHz in front and center of mezzanine.
-There was some sort of crowd surge behind me during "Masked Ball" and the cable between the preamp and recorder came partially unplugged,
so a minute or so of the intro music and few seconds of "Spirit" are a single channel copied to make two channels.
-Amplified about +5dB in Audacity, converted to flac in Trader's Little Helper, and tracked with CD Wave.
Trade freely and never sell this recording
Please support the band and buy their stuff. They are fantastic musicians and truly nice people.